Dirs. Deidre Schoo & Michael Beach Nichols

2013 | 83 min | USA | English | Documentary


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Flex Is Kings takes place in the Brooklyn neighborhood of East New York, where high crime rates and diminished opportunities have left the young men growing into adulthood few choices and fewer resources, pushing so many to lives dependent on crime and gangs. Yet there is a large and growing group resisting the notion that their prospects are limited to a powerless existence. On these streets a dance community rose, eager for an avenue of expression and determined to create a positive force in their neighborhood. “Flex” is the name of the dance style – it involves dance battle competitions that are at once flights of fancy as well as poetic evocations of the streets – gun battles, romantic interludes, run-ins with authorities. The film is structured around a season of Battlefest, the central organizing event of the Flex movement, and focuses on some of the community’s key personalities.

  • An eye-popper.
    The Village Voice
  • One of the standouts of this year's Tribeca Film Festival.
    The Wrap
  • The filmmakers do an incredible job of weaving the dancer’s personal lives in with staying true to the core of the movie, the dancing itself.
    Screen Invasion
  • Brings the “flexing” underground movement to mainstream audiences, who should be enlightened by the passion and ability of its main players.




Jay Donn
